Monday, December 5, 2016

Connecting to Different Database in Liferay

We  already know how to create service builder in Liferay. When we use service builder all our tables goes to default database that is mention in or

But sometimes we need to create tables in a separate database so that all liferay related tables are in default database and our custom tables in another database.So today we will see how to connect Liferay with 2 databases.

So lets start this step by step:-

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Fetch Fields using bean in SpringMVC Portlet

We already know about SpringMVC Portlet and how to handle Form Submission in SpringMVC Portlet. The two main benifits of using SpringMVC portlet are:-

1)We can handle multiple Ajax call and create our custom methods for each call.For this you can read my blog Ajax Call in SpringMVC Portlet.

2)We can get all the values of Form in a java bean object.

Suppose we have a form that contain 15 fields like name,lastname etc.So we need to write ParamUtil.getString(); for each form field.But by using SpringMVC portlet you can get all the fields in object.So today we will discuss how to get Form fields using Bean.

so lets start this step by step:-

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Create tabs in liferay with liferay-ui:tabs

In  liferay we can create a tabs by simply using Liferay ui tag.So in this tutorial we create 3 tabs and on each tab we have a form. so lets start this step by step:-

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Friendly URL in Liferay

We already know how to create URL in Liferay. As you can see the URL created by liferay is very big and not readable. What if we can short this URL and make it human readable. Friendly URL is used to create human readable URLs. So before reading this blog it is highly recommended to read my blog on explanation of Liferay URLs. So lets start this step by step:-

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Navigation menu with liferay-ui:icon menu Tag

In  liferay we can create a menu by simply using Liferay ui tag.So in this tutorial we create a table and in one column we give menu tab for various operations so lets start this step by step:-

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Creation of Portlet URL in Java

We  already know how to create Liferay URL in jsp file.Today we will discuss how to Create Portlet URLs in Java file or in we can say in Controller . Here we create a simple actionURL in our doview method and than call processAction by using it.So lets start this step by step:-

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Explanation in LiferayURL

Today we will discuss detail explanation of portlet URLs in Liferay. Here we create a portlet and on jsp we create a actionURL and a renderURL and than check the URL . So lets start this step by step:-

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Friday, October 7, 2016

Window States in Liferay

Today we will discuss Window States in Liferay. Their are basically 3 states :-


So lets start this step by step:-
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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Instanceable vs Non- Instanceable portlet in Liferay

Today we will discuss the difference between Instanceable vs Non- Instanceable portlet in Liferay. 

Instanceable :- If Portlet is instanceable then we can add the portlet more than once on same page.

Non-Instanceable :-  If Portlet is non-instanceable then we can add the portlet only once on a page.

So lets discuss this in detail step by step:-

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Developing a MVCPortlet with Multiple Render Methods in Liferay

In the previous blog Developing a MVCPortlet with Multiple Actions in Liferay  we see how we can handle multiple action methods in a single portlet. Today we will discuss how to develop a MVCPortlet with multiple render methods in Liferay. Here we create a portlet that contain 4 render methods that will redirect to different jsps that contain simple messages.So lets start this step by step:-

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Developing a MVCPortlet with Multiple Actions in Liferay

Today we will discuss how to develop a MVCPortlet with multiple action methods in Liferay. Here we create a portlet that contain two action methods with simple message.So lets start this step by step:-

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Monday, September 26, 2016

Use of Structure in Custom Portlet

Today we will discuss how to use Structure in Custom Portlet. The benefit of this approach is we easily create structure by just drag and drop and simply use this structure in our form. Before reading this blog you must know how to create Structure in Liferay.So lets start this step by step:-

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Embedding a Web Content/Journal Article in a Portlet

We already knew how to embed a portlet in web content but today we try to embed a web content in our custom portlet.Before reading this blog you must know how to Create a web content in liferay.
So lets start this step by step:-

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Localize Portlet Title in Liferay

In the previous tutorial Localization (l10n) in liferay we change the portlet content on the basis of locale.But what if we want to change the title of portlet.In this tutorial we localize title of portlet.We can achieve this by two ways:-

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Localization (l10n) in Liferay

In the previous tutorial about Internationalization (i18n) in liferay we use Language portlet to change the language .But what if we don't want to use language portlet.Today we create portlet that change language by using Locale means if our website open in France that all website change to french and if our website open in U.S.A than all content change to English. So lets start this Step by Step:-

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Customize Validation message in Liferay

In the previous tutorial we provide server side validation in liferay.
Today we will customize the error message that is generated by liferay ui tags.So basically we provide our custom css to the error messages. We convert this:-
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Monday, August 15, 2016

Validation in Liferay using liferay-ui tags

Today we will discuss server side validation in Liferay. Here we create a simple form with fields like First name, Last name, email and phone.If there is some error then we show error messages otherwise print Success message on console.For validation we use Validator class and <liferay-ui> tags. So lets start this Step by Step:-
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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Logger in Liferay

Today we will see how to apply logger in our custom class. Here we create a custom class and add logger to it and then see how to set log level in liferay. 

So lets start this Step by Step:-
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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Internationalization (i18n) in Liferay

Today we will discuss about Internationalization (i18n) in liferay. By default Liferay support English language. Here we add Hindi language support in our portlet. So lets start this Step by Step:-

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Log in/Sign in Liferay with Google Account

In most of the websites you see that their is a option by which you can login with your Google+ credentials. Today we will achieve this Login Functionality with Google in our Liferay. This consists of two Major Steps.

1)Set up Google+  OAuth2 API Access
2)Integrate this App with Liferay.

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

LDAP integration with liferay 6.2

Today we will discuss how to integrate LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access protocol) with Liferay 6.2 . We already discuss how to integrate facebook with liferay. For LDAP integration we use ApacheDS and JXplorer. So basically we have 3 major steps:-

A)Install ApacheDS .
B)JXplorer .
C)Integration  with Liferay .

So lets start this step by step:-

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Carousel in Liferay using Portlet

Today we will discuss how to create carousel in Liferay using Portlet.Before reading it is highly recommended to read my previous blog on Carousel in Liferay using web content.

So lets start this step by step:-

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Carousel in Liferay using Web Content

Today we will discuss how to create carousel in Liferay using web content.Here i am using document and media portlet for storing images that can be use in carousel.So before reading this blog you must know how to store documents in document and media portlet and how to create a basic web content in Liferay.

So lets start this step by step:-
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Monday, March 28, 2016

Open/Close Dialog Box using jQuery in Liferay

Today we will discuss how to Open and Close jQuery Dialog box in liferay.In this we create a button on click of button a form is opened in dialog box which contain two input fields name , password and two buttons one for Submit the form and second for cancel.On Submit form is Submitted and details are shown in the dialog box .On Cancel form is simply closed so lets start this step by step. I already write a similar blog using AUI .
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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Joins using Dynamic Query in Liferay

Today we will discuss about Joins in Dynamic Query . Before reading this blog it is highly recommended to read my previous blog on introduction of dynamic query , how to use AND/OR in dynamic query and Projection in dynamic query. In this blog i am using my own custom tables states and countries. The primary key of countries ie countryId is used as foreign key in states table.
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Conjunction(AND) vs Disjunction(OR) Clause using Dynamic Query in Liferay

Today we will discuss about Conjunction ie AND and Disjunction ie OR Clause  in Dynamic Query . Before reading this blog it is highly recommended to read my previous blog on introduction of dynamic query

For each operation we have two ways. So lets start with the example:-
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Order By Clause using Dynamic Query in Liferay

Today we will discuss about Order By Clause in Dynamic Query . Before reading this blog it is highly recommended to read my previous blog on introduction of dynamic query

Lets start with example:-

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Projection in Dynamic Query

Today we will discuss about Projection in Dynamic Query .Before reading this blog it is highly recommended to read my previous blog on introduction of dynamic query. We know how to fetch a complete object but what if we want only one column like only userId of User for this we use Projections.
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Dynamic Query in Liferay

Today we will discuss about Dynamic Query in Liferay. As we already know Liferay Service Builder provide basic CRUD methods but sometimes we need specific methods with different conditions . For this we have two approaches:-

1)Custom Sql in Liferay.
2)Dynamic Query

The problem with custom query is that we need to build services again and again. But in case of dynamic queries no need to build services.
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Monday, January 25, 2016

jQuery Auto Complete in Liferay

Today we will discuss about jQuery AutoComplete feature in Liferay. We Consider a scenario where a user has to fill all the addresses where he live in his entire life.The user selects one or more states. We use autocomplete for selection of states and when user click add button, state is added in the table.This blog is really helpful for creating dynamic table using AutoComplete and jQuery. 

So lets start step by step:-

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