Monday, November 28, 2016

Fetch Fields using bean in SpringMVC Portlet

We already know about SpringMVC Portlet and how to handle Form Submission in SpringMVC Portlet. The two main benifits of using SpringMVC portlet are:-

1)We can handle multiple Ajax call and create our custom methods for each call.For this you can read my blog Ajax Call in SpringMVC Portlet.

2)We can get all the values of Form in a java bean object.

Suppose we have a form that contain 15 fields like name,lastname etc.So we need to write ParamUtil.getString(); for each form field.But by using SpringMVC portlet you can get all the fields in object.So today we will discuss how to get Form fields using Bean.

so lets start this step by step:-

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Create tabs in liferay with liferay-ui:tabs

In  liferay we can create a tabs by simply using Liferay ui tag.So in this tutorial we create 3 tabs and on each tab we have a form. so lets start this step by step:-

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Friendly URL in Liferay

We already know how to create URL in Liferay. As you can see the URL created by liferay is very big and not readable. What if we can short this URL and make it human readable. Friendly URL is used to create human readable URLs. So before reading this blog it is highly recommended to read my blog on explanation of Liferay URLs. So lets start this step by step:-

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Navigation menu with liferay-ui:icon menu Tag

In  liferay we can create a menu by simply using Liferay ui tag.So in this tutorial we create a table and in one column we give menu tab for various operations so lets start this step by step:-

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Creation of Portlet URL in Java

We  already know how to create Liferay URL in jsp file.Today we will discuss how to Create Portlet URLs in Java file or in we can say in Controller . Here we create a simple actionURL in our doview method and than call processAction by using it.So lets start this step by step:-

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