Friday, January 24, 2020

Custom Sql in Liferay DXP 7.2

Today we will discuss how to write Custom Sql in Liferay DXP 7.2. We already know how to write Service Builder in Liferay DXP 7.2. So lets start this step by step :-

Step 1:- Create Service Builder
Here i create a small entity Pets that contain only two column:-


Step 2:- Create default.xml
When you build service two projects are created :-

My project name is lie.

Now inside your  service META-INF folder create a folder custom-sql and inside this folder create default.xml.

Path of default.xml:-

Now paste this content in default.xml


Here we use sql id ="getPetsByName" this id should be unique for each sql. So that we can get the query by this id.

Step 3:- Create  EntityFinderImpl
Now create EntityFinderImpl my entity is Pet so create PetFinderImpl inside com.lie.service.persistence.impl .
Here PetFinderImpl extends BasePersistanceImpl and implement EntityFinder.


Initially this will give error because PetFinder is not available.

Now Build Service

When you build service and refresh BasePersistanceImpl become PetFinderBaseImpl . You can now import PetFinder also . So PetFinderImpl become:-


Step 4:- Create method
Now inside PetFinderImpl paste this:-


Initially this will give error because we use CustomSQL object so just add the dependency in build.gradle 

 compileOnly group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.custom.sql.api", version: "1.0.0"

and refresh gradle project.

Note:- Here we use @Component and @Reference annotations.

Now Build Service

and refresh Gradle project.

Step 5:- Create method in LocalServiceImpl

Now create a method in PetLocalServiceImpl so that it will available in PetLocalServiceUtil.


Now Build Service

Now you can deploy your services. And use the method as :-

private PetLocalService _petLocalService;
List<Pet>pet = _petLocalService.getPetsByName("Dog");

Final Project structure:-

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