Sunday, November 29, 2015

Login in Liferay with Facebook Account

In most of the websites you see that their is a option by which you can login with your facebook credentials. Today we will achieve this Login Functionality with Facebook in our Liferay. This consists of two Major Steps.

1)Create Facebook App
2)Integrate this App with Liferay.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Custom Field/Attribute or Expando in Liferay Programmatically

We already know how to create custom field using control panel . 
Lets consider a scenario we create 40 custom fields in our local server using control panel . When i deployed my application to production server we need to create all custom fields again in production server . What if as soon as our application start and all custom fields create automatically????

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Java Portlet Specification (JSR 168 vs JSR 286)

Initially portal vendors had their own portlet frameworks but the problem is those portlets are specific to portal Server and cannot be deployed to another server.So their is specification or we can say Standards for portlet development. By using those standards you can write a portlet which can be run on all compliant portlet Containers.

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Database Migration From Liferay 6.1 to Liferay 6.2

Today we will discuss how to migrate database (users, roles,pages, webcontent etc) from Liferay 6.1 to Liferay 6.2. I assume that you already installed Liferay 6.1 and created pages , roles and user. The name of the database we are using for liferay 6.1 is named as liferay6.1db.

So lets start this step by step:-

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